Golf Injury Rehabilitation

Golf can sometimes be a painful sport. With lost balls, or strokes from mental errors and just not hitting the ball like we want it to or imagined it would.  But one pain point that an avid golfer doesn’t want to have is the pain of not playing the game for a number of days. If you enjoy golf you will do anything to get back there and enjoy the outdoors and competition again. 

Jill is a Collegiate Golfer at a local University. She has been golfing for most of her life and enjoys doing so  After traveling home for one of the major holidays she returned with severe lower back pain after the plane ride and wasn’t able to compete in practice due to this pain.

She sought out our help to answer the questions as to what was going on and how to fix it. Upon further evaluation we found a few things. We found that the “lower back pain” was the source of pain but not the cause of pain. The cause of this pain was because of her tight hip. After traveling for hours and a lot of sitting, this causes her lower back to compensate and then leads to pain. With proper hip mobility work and lower back rehab this was cleared up in just a week.

The other thing that we noticed is that her upper back was not as mobile as it needed to be for the demand he was putting on it for the golf swing.  This can be the leading cause of the lower issues as well.  

So she was treated and sent home with some daily stretches to do on a TPI (titleist) mobile app to increase the range of motion of her hip and upper back. If this is fixed, then pain will reduce and she can get back to competition. 

If you or someone you know is dealing with pain and would love to golf again, we are here to help guide them along the path to return to the course as safely as possible. .Schedule an appointment today and we’ll get you headed in the right direction.  Provo, Utah Sports Chiropractor

What’s included:

  • Body-swing connection results
  • Treatment plan
  • Treatment as needed (adjustment, soft tissue work, dry needling, rehab exercises) 
  • Home exercise routine with easy to use App

All included in $100 evaluation

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